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  1. redwing

    Diet, Exercise and Weight loss - help!

    That's only two seconds ago to those following primeval or paleo diets then :D What's 2012s diet tips Chuds, the more I read the further down the rabbit hole I venture
  2. redwing

    Diet, Exercise and Weight loss - help!

    Lost me :confused:
  3. redwing

    Diet, Exercise and Weight loss - help!

    Sweet Poison Apparently sales of the book "Sweet Poison" have taken off since the SUNDAY show with Peter FITZSIMMONS aired on the weekend Parts 1 & 2 here
  4. redwing

    Diet, Exercise and Weight loss - help!

    Here's a list of Needn't Foods ;) Source Source
  5. redwing

    Diet, Exercise and Weight loss - help!

    Lucky and appropriate shot then considering the thread topic :D
  6. redwing

    Diet, Exercise and Weight loss - help!

    Here's a more recent pitcure of that actor Mr Fab
  7. redwing

    Diet, Exercise and Weight loss - help!

    There's a great article on HIIT by Shawn Phillips from the now defunct MuscleMedia Magazine (circa 2002), It was the first time I'd read about H.I.I.T but not the last posted below in part (with link) for your perusal here's a link (one of many) to the much cited article in full here...
  8. redwing

    Diet, Exercise and Weight loss - help! purchased them with the intention of eating them, so eat them and be done. The guilts may just push you harder the next morning in the gym :D How about those nasty sugars, especially high fructose corn syrup and things such as refined white flour ;) There's an interesting...
  9. redwing

    Diet, Exercise and Weight loss - help!

    Great work Alex, Its like Kristine's thread An Investment in Reduction which was also interesting reading as the numbers went south Whats the diet and exercise regime at present?
  10. redwing

    Diet, Exercise and Weight loss - help!

    Best displayed by the below ;) And just to confuse things even more...All calories are not equal PS: Thanks for the previous link Ace, interesting reading
  11. redwing

    Diet, Exercise and Weight loss - help!

    Appearances, usernames and avatars can be deceptive in the wide wide world of web IFBB
  12. redwing

    Diet, Exercise and Weight loss - help!

    I have a protein shake with water pre and post workout, drinking water mixed with BCAA goes down better than just pure water for me during the workout also
  13. redwing

    Diet, Exercise and Weight loss - help!

    I saw this reworking of the "Food Pyramid" graphic to "My Plate" on the US news whilst at the Gym this morning It replaces the 19-year-old food pyramid with five color-coded categories: red for fruits, green for vegetables, orange for grains, purple for protein, blue for dairy.
  14. redwing

    Diet, Exercise and Weight loss - help!

    Wow , great effort Whats the training and diet regime currently? You'll be back on your feet in no time :D
  15. redwing

    Diet, Exercise and Weight loss - help!

    Great to see the progress posted on the thread as it makes for interesting reading...just caught up with the below Congratulations !
  16. redwing

    Diet, Exercise and Weight loss - help!

    Your taking the wrong type of Herron, the right type is available over the counter ;)
  17. redwing

    Diet, Exercise and Weight loss - help!

    I started my new Alcohol Diet this week. It’s going well. So far, I’ve lost three days.;)
  18. redwing

    Diet, Exercise and Weight loss - help!

    hi Mark, You have to sign up to see articles etc on that site; did a search on it without signing up for the 20 Step Program without much joy....what is it? :D Merry Christmas AND a Happy New Year....GREAT WORK
  19. redwing

    Diet, Exercise and Weight loss - help!

    Ryan Reynolds (Van Wilder,Blade Trinity, Wolverine) then?: :D Or this Aussie fella? DWV Here's a great list of the various types of diets Wiki- List of Diets Even then there's still others like the Caveman Diet, The Warrior Diet etc Very to see...
  20. redwing

    Diet, Exercise and Weight loss - help!

    How about Long-time Muscle & Fitness columnist Clarence Bass, author of Ripped and a lawyer and bodybuilding champion? and at 70