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  1. redwing

    Coffee Machines

    I like strong coffee also Normally a couple of teaspoons of Moccana Indulgence or Rich With a couple of strong coffee pods I'm bouncing off the wall like Tigger
  2. redwing

    Coffee Machines

    Does the Aldi one take Nespresso pods?
  3. redwing

    Coffee Machines

    We had an efficiency expert come to a work-site many moons ago and post his audit we wound up with tins of black and gold coffee, suffice to say that "Viva la revolucion" they didn't last the day and we went back to blend 43 (blend 86 if you were a two spoonfull fella). Nowadays it's a coffee...
  4. redwing

    Coffee Machines

    Some of the you beaut coffee machines are more needy than a wife ;) Clean me, Rinse me, Descale me, Fill me up, Empty me, Add Water, Mow the Lawn (oops, not that last one) I like the coffee pods