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  1. S

    Your first IP - reno vs. newer property?

    Hi Albanga, I?m located about 1 hour away from my regional town of interest (Ballarat/Bendigo). All the renos would need to be done during public holidays/after work during daylight savings/whilst I take AL and weekends if I don?t live there (and use my FHB SD reduction). I haven?t looked...
  2. S

    Your first IP - reno vs. newer property?

    Ben, thanks for your post - it was really helpful, especially the lessons learnt part. I'm compiling a list of questions to PM you with soon :D Feel free to reply to the questions here if you feel they are relevant to this thread so others can also learn too :)
  3. S

    Your first IP - reno vs. newer property?

    Hi DaveM, This is my strategy: Definitely looking at a multi property portfolio! :D I want to make the best purchase I can now to set me up for my future acquisitions. I'm looking at houses in the lower end of range ($200-250k, depending on how much work it requires) so that I can get...
  4. S

    Your first IP - reno vs. newer property?

    Thanks everyone for the replies so far! Sounds like reno might be the way to go even if it requires more effort. DT good point, I'll have to crunch the numbers to see if its worthwhile for me.
  5. S

    Your first IP - reno vs. newer property?

    Hi everyone, I've finally saved up enough to buy my first IP and I'm pretty keen to get into the market ASAP! However, after browsing through numerous properties on and reading on SS, I'm interested to know the thought process and stories behind your first IP when you started out...