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  1. skater


    Lately I have noticed that you spend way more time on here than I do.:eek:
  2. skater


    Sheesh! Today we have a friend staying. They are on the iphone (on the forum, or course) while Lil Skater is on the lap top and Hubby, eating breakfast is discussing the forum with everyone.:eek:
  3. skater


    Hmmm......and there is still one daughter missing in action. She is a member here too, you know, but unlike the rest of the family, rarely logs on.
  4. skater


    LOL! I've given up on getting the elder one to clean anything.:( At least Lil will occasionally clean if there is financial incentive.
  5. skater


    She is a lovely daughter and I do love her dearly..........but BOTH daughters could help around the home more often.:p
  6. skater


    Lil was the most stubborn child I have ever known (still is actually):( If she did not get her way she would yell and scream and the carryon would go on for ages. That is, until we would send her to her room. I used to egg her on by telling her that she wasn't loud enough as Bill (the...
  7. skater


    It has always been the case (with my kids) that someone outside the family telling the kids to do something has been listened to a lot more readily than Mum & Dad.
  8. skater


    Nah! I've been whinging to her all morning. I just thought she might take more notice if I put it out there for everyone to see.:D
  9. skater


    LOL! Maybe at the mouth. I see your bottom still hasn't moved.:p
  10. skater


    You cheeky little rotter! I just unpacked two boxes and washed everything inside, thankyou, which you would have known if your bottom had left the lounge.:p
  11. skater


    Did you wash the clothes? Or how about all the dishes that I just cleaned? :D
  12. skater


    I've been running around doing housework and I go into the lounge room because I want to log onto Somersoft and I notice both Hubby & youngest daughter sitting side by side on the lounge. The TV is on, but neither of them is watching. They are both sitting there on their laptops, posting on...