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  1. skater

    Life was simpler..........

    Wylie, that is indeed brave of you. I know a family that was torn apart by the same kind of thing. In my early 20's I was close to this family, as he was the president of the club that I was with, and his wife taught me some officiating duties for competitions. They had a young daugher of...
  2. skater

    Life was simpler..........

    Make whistles out of the stones from the neighbours apricot tree, after pinching their fruit. Spend hours, blackberry picking in the scrub, eating more than you put in the bucket to take home, and arriving home covered in scratches & purple from the berries. Getting bottles of milk at...
  3. skater

    Life was simpler..........

    My mother took salt tablets and smoked like a chimney. In fact, both my parents smoked non stop, even during pregnancy. I would not recommend that though, as I was plauged with bronchitis as a child, and I am positive it was from all the inhallation of smoke. I was hardly ever sick once I...