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  1. skater

    $100,000/pa Passive Income...

    Saying 7.5% yield on equity of $1.5m is a bit simplistic in my mind. Your yield is going to be skewed by many things. For instance, you could have a portfolio of $3m with 50% equity 7.5% yield and only have one or two properties in that portfolio. You will have one or two sets of rates...
  2. skater

    $100,000/pa Passive Income...

    Yep! It's not a get rich quick scheme. This is s.l.o.w. But it works.:D
  3. skater

    $100,000/pa Passive Income...

    Maybe it's a splitter block?
  4. skater

    $100,000/pa Passive Income... would calculate it the same way as someone with a Business calculates their income. Money in, less money out. So.....your GROSS income will be all money received. Your NET income is what you have left after your expenses are paid. Now with property, many people have negative...
  5. skater

    $100,000/pa Passive Income...

    No, we started with no particular goal in mind. Had one IP that was doing well, so after several years got fired up & went on a spending spree. We tend to buy in bursts. Two, three, maybe four all around the same time. Then nothing, then another burst.
  6. skater

    $100,000/pa Passive Income...

    With a gross income of $154k and a debt of $2.1M, there isn't going to be a lot of cashflow.
  7. skater

    $100,000/pa Passive Income...

    Yep, gotta agree with you. It's certainly not hard & I'm pretty lazy too. I think the stumbling block is that people max out really quickly because they go for the stuff with the 3% yields in the hope & a prayer that they will increase in price. Well, I'm sorry, but if you are losing money...
  8. skater

    $100,000/pa Passive Income...

    Over 10 in under 10. But hey, this is a property investing forum, so you shouldn't be surprised to have more than a few of us with those numbers.