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  1. spludgey

    Frugal Living Ideas

    They must be doing the opposite! ;)
  2. spludgey

    Frugal Living Ideas

    I work in energy management and we look at everything to do with electricity. Currently we?re installing solar at some of our sites and I was part of the team that did the financial viability analysis, calculating paybacks, etc. As I stated before, I calculated the above factoring in a FIT...
  3. spludgey

    Frugal Living Ideas

    And property prices are going to fall by 40%! Most panels come with a 25 year warranty, but even if they failed after 10 years, you'd be well ahead.
  4. spludgey

    Frugal Living Ideas

    I'm working in the field. Let's do the calculations. We'll assume you get 4kWh/day/kWp and pay 28c/kWh. And let's say you're using 70% of your generated electricity and get a FIT of 8c/kWh and the price for a 5kW system is $6k. So it's 6000/(5*365*4(0.7*0.28+0.3*0.08))=3.74 years. Not ages in...
  5. spludgey

    Frugal Living Ideas

    Read Mr Money Mustache. He can be a little bit over the top at times, but just pick the things you like, there's plenty of good stuff on his website.