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  1. S

    The end game

    Because that may not be the most efficient ways to do things. Buying a PPOR, as you've alluded to, has different consdierations than purely financials, so while some PPOR could also be good investments this isn't always the case. Investments on the other hand are designed to make you money and...
  2. S

    The end game

    Why do people have to buy their home first? What's wrong with investing first and then buying a PPOR at a later stage? For me (and it seems many other people in this thread) if I focused all my earnings on buying in cash a PPOR first before thinking about investments then this will slow down my...
  3. S

    The end game

    Interesting read this thread, I really enjoyed all the differing opinions. I actually don't think China's goal of having a nice PPOR is that unreasonable or unrealistic. However, my view is that it may be unreasonable to want to have it now and this would be the thing that is delaying you...