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  1. steveadl

    Insight SBS Tues 7.30 Sep 9 - Bursting the Bubble

    (I'll add an upfront disclaimer that I didn't watch this show) That's sort of a key thing though don't you think? If you're going to have a round table/debate on the property market, I for one am not interested in hearing about how Mary lost her shop because the sheep market fell over, or how...
  2. steveadl

    Insight SBS Tues 7.30 Sep 9 - Bursting the Bubble

    Well BlueCard, clearly Adelaide doesn't matter. That's been reiterated many times over the years by all the experts. So I'll thank you not to bring it into this lovely theoretical argument. Clearly the whole Aust. economy is going to go down the tube, so obviously my small houses sitting on...