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  1. steveadl

    Somersoft leading indicator , neutral or negative

    Good point Keith (as usual ;)), I get blinkered a bit by my micro focus at times - to an extent I don't worry too much about the broader market as long as my little world is ticking along nicely. Just trying to point out to some of the more enthusiastic posters of late that we're not necessarily...
  2. steveadl

    Somersoft leading indicator , neutral or negative

    As much as I don't like talking about general markets as what does that actually mean to a person buying one property - there seems to be a lot of picking that start of the next boom. Why? Could also be that the economy levels out again ie. it's not the doomsday scenario, and it's not a boom...
  3. steveadl

    Somersoft leading indicator , neutral or negative

    Very true, and you're right new investors need to be careful. I just don't like seeing new investors being too scared to make any decisions or possibly not make what they believe is a good investment after proper research because they're worried the whole market is going to implode. If they're...
  4. steveadl

    Somersoft leading indicator , neutral or negative

    Remember some property will still perform well over the coming years in which you still see flat/negative growth. Will the 'medians' stay flat - perhaps, but who cares. Will we all pick the right propeties, probably not - but doesn't necessarily mean we shouldn't try.