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  1. steveadl

    RSPT worked out example and Who is next to cop such tax?

    You raise a good point. Geez TC, what else can you say but 'wow!' :eek:
  2. steveadl

    RSPT worked out example and Who is next to cop such tax?

    it has nothing to do with swallowing the miners story. Swan is running around showing those sort of 17% tax figures. It is a blatent misdirection which cannot be denied. Right, when the resources run out that's it - true. That argument would hold a lot more water if Rudd was proposing to...
  3. steveadl

    RSPT worked out example and Who is next to cop such tax?

    hehe but SF, if we're to believe the above graph is a true representation (which I don't for a second), then apparently financials (ie. banks) pay the equal highest rate of tax (along with retail :(). ;)
  4. steveadl

    RSPT worked out example and Who is next to cop such tax?

    ^ ^ What Oracle said! You've got to be kidding right? You're falling for the Swan/Rudd crap. You can make a chart look like whatever you want if you exclude important parts. So what are state royalties then, just a happy feel good item the miners pay but get reimbursed in candy canes and...
  5. steveadl

    RSPT worked out example and Who is next to cop such tax?

    That's ok, Telstra is getting screwed by the Govt. in a different way. Don't need to tax them to buggery, just pass legislation to forcibly rip the heart out of their business. :D (ok I know it's more complicated than that, but couldn't resist ;))
  6. steveadl

    RSPT worked out example and Who is next to cop such tax?

    True, for me the issue is not so much the figure itself (though as a business owner I do think it's extreme), but the fact that it will make Aust. less competitive for investment dollars. If every other major commodity country had the same tax rate it wouldn't be as much of an issue as we...
  7. steveadl

    RSPT worked out example and Who is next to cop such tax?

    Mining doesn't create value? It's the most basic element of allowing society to function. Good luck getting any business to produce anything without mining being part of the chain to begin with. So pulling the iron ore out of the ground doesn't count, but the blokes who then build an office...
  8. steveadl

    RSPT worked out example and Who is next to cop such tax?

    Hmmmm I may not know as much about the mining industry as you Strannik, but I disagree there is hardly any risk. As with any business you can buy something already established and pay a premium. But to get a new mine off the ground takes many years of exploration to find it in the first place...
  9. steveadl

    RSPT worked out example and Who is next to cop such tax?

    Why stop with mining? Why not apply it to the banks (they're all evil don't you know :rolleyes:), Wesfarmers and Woolworths (how dare they profit from selling us milk and tomatoes!), clothing stores (hey they buy it from China for $2 and sell it for $20, they don't have any other costs right...