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  1. tcocaro

    Trump seminar canceled - No refunds lol

    tubs i agree... fundamentally the point i was making is that some people put these people on a pedestal. My point was only to bring home the point these people are in it for the money (ONLY).. theres no social good in what they do... (e.g. John Fitzgerald) I am not criticizing them only...
  2. tcocaro

    Trump seminar canceled - No refunds lol

    I was not trying to be exact when i say "Trump" is not a developer but I believe TODAY he is less a developer and more a media personality. I don't see him doing developer tasks day to day... thats what I meant. In any case I am sure many of those buildings you refer to are JV whereby the...
  3. tcocaro

    Trump seminar canceled - No refunds lol

    that is the case with any claim of "truth" there are very few instances of absolute truth. Regardless I understand what you meant by the comment and I concur.
  4. tcocaro

    Trump seminar canceled - No refunds lol

    i think people who paid got the best lesson of all... much better than if he did turn up. He like all other promoters, spinners, spruikers care only of themselves, couldn't give a crap about "sharing the knowledge" so by not turning up because of too few numbers was a good lesson. that lesson...