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  1. T

    Tenants requesting reimbursement due to a faulty hotwater system

    No, at worst you go through multiple court/tribunal dates, taking up your time, spending extra money on PM representation fees - then your tenants getting further legal advice and getting the leave of tribunal to amend and further add to their claim. Then you lose, but only after a few more...
  2. T

    Tenants requesting reimbursement due to a faulty hotwater system

    A week could be reasonable in the circumstances, or it might not be. The week itself is the starting piece of circumstantial evidence obviously - so not sure why you say there is "no evidence". So are you saying you're confident enough to risk it at tribunal?
  3. T

    Tenants requesting reimbursement due to a faulty hotwater system

    Yeah, pretty much my thoughts too.
  4. T

    Tenants requesting reimbursement due to a faulty hotwater system

    Because it seems there's some evidence at least that it could be reasonable losses arising from the landlord's failure to maintain the premises. Or that the $100 wasn't "enough" and that cause of action is further pursued as an alternative head of claim. That's just two off the top of my...
  5. T

    Tenants requesting reimbursement due to a faulty hotwater system

    Except wouldn't it cost more to pay the PM to go to tribunal than to pay the claim? Personally I can see that the tenants having a prima facie cause of action, that seems reasonably arguable. There's at least a danger of them winning.