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  1. T

    Investing and Spirituality

    I'd agree that if you want to do something big, that is ground or rule breaking, then you need more than ordinary determination and drive from deep within....the sort of drive that is impossible when one's conscience is split.
  2. T

    Investing and Spirituality

    P.S. I am finding it more and more true as I get older Kenneth, that you must feel you have Life/God behind you on an investment. If you do, then you'll move mountains. You seem to have a resilient nature Kenneth, one that I think could move mountains too, if you felt the support of your God.
  3. T

    Investing and Spirituality

    Kenneth, I am trying my best to make money ethically, though I am also here on the forum to learn from others. Some of the things I am considering at the moment are medium term accomodation, storage sheds, auto car washes, and a combined health spa/gymnasium - all in regional areas of Qld...
  4. T

    Investing and Spirituality

    Kenneth, in response to your many points above, I respond thus: - if you are happy in not pursuing a more enlightened way to accumulate wealth, other then to buy property that the herd will drive up in price out of ignorance, then that is where you are on your investment journey. I am merely...
  5. T

    Investing and Spirituality

    Mark, negative gearing has everything to do with what I am saying. Don't take my word for it. But please consider reading some of these links, esp the RBA one. It will explain in detail much of what I have alluded to above...
  6. T

    Investing and Spirituality

    I'm kinda confused by your views myself tfb. I don't understand where you're coming from with the whole 'investing in property might make it harder for others to get into property' view. Do you honestly believe that it is harder for young people to purchase property now than it was say, 20 years...
  7. T

    Investing and Spirituality

    Kenneth, I am not a master student of the Bible. I doubt it says anything specifically about property investing, just as it says nothing per se about smoking dope or injecting heroin or listening to rock music. The Bible is difficult to interpret because it says many things, applicable to...
  8. T

    Investing and Spirituality

    Kenneth, all I am saying is that we think about the repercussions of our actions a little more honestly and clearly, a little more intelligently.....And not hide our heads in the sands of obfuscated self justification and herd greed. Then, let your own conscience/God guide you. I raised...
  9. T

    Investing and Spirituality

    Just looking for a win/win. And to invest in its true sense. Buying IPs and passively waiting for a stack of others slower off the mark to come along and drive prices up doesn't quite cut it as smart investing to me, certainly not the smartest thing for the country as a whole. If...
  10. T

    Investing and Spirituality

    1 - If I only ever buy in a slump, am I hurting anyone? Depends if you outbid a first home buyer I suppose. You could argue you are competing against the younger buyer to provide for your own retirement. They could argue that if they have to pay more for a house, then they will delay having...
  11. T

    Investing and Spirituality

    Kenneth, it is well known that the last boom was driven by a massive increase in investor activity, not by owner occupiers. A boom is when there are more buyers around than sellers. That drives prices up. First home buyers get frozen out of the market because they have to go back and save a...
  12. T

    Investing and Spirituality

    Kenneth, I know a lot of very poor Christians who also believe they should trust in God, and not do anything off their own bat, to help themselves. There's got to be a balance in there about relying on Divine Providence. Further, I wonder whether you see a problem, as an investor, with...
  13. T

    Investing and Spirituality

    I think it is unfortunate that religion has got such a bad rap in the last 50 years. On the whole, I think many religious groups do a lot of good, which is ignored by the media due to religion being uncool. All the focus these days is on paedophilic priests and intolerant fundamentalists...