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  1. topcropper

    Red Moon - take the kids outside next week

    This is such a cool forum setup how someone can bung a photo on like I just did. Why isn't every web forum using this hardwhare or what ever it's called? I'm not into IT, so I'm not sure why not. If anyone is interested, It was taken with a canon EOS 400 D digital, 75 to 300 lens, zoomed...
  2. topcropper

    Red Moon - take the kids outside next week

    This is what it looked like at my place half an hour ago,... See ya's.
  3. topcropper

    Red Moon - take the kids outside next week

    Should be good here in northern NSW. We are going to have a bon fire. Just for no reason at all. What about the recent weather? Beautiful. :D See ya's.