Search results

  1. T

    Chinchilla - hold or run?

    I meant that rental enquiries have increased compared to end of last year. however as you know this has not translated into rents unfortunately. there was a forum in December where businesses were discussing how to get more people into the towns..with our tenants contemplating vacating at the...
  2. T

    Chinchilla - hold or run?

    not sure re development I doubt many new houses would have been sold recently. word on the street from the property managers in miles that rental enquiries have increased substantially from early jan this year, multiple new enquiries per day which is good news. (I am unsure if chinchilla...
  3. T

    Chinchilla - hold or run?

    our place is in Miles in the surat basin and we got in at a relatively low price point, I thought the markets ie miles and chinchilla were closely linked but just had a look on real and the rents do appear lower in chinchilla The thing that got us a tenant was paying the extra...
  4. T

    Chinchilla - hold or run?

    we too recently built a property in the area, got a tenant now rented at 6.4% yield, things are definitely getting better than what they were earlier this year. this is a recent positive article