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  1. troyhunt

    self managing

    This is a very relevant point; not having to look the tenant in the eye or talk to them directly when you’re raising the rent or booting them out has its advantages. These activities become pure business transactions. This might not be a problem for some people anyway, but certainly there are...
  2. troyhunt

    self managing

    Sounds like something specific to your area. Across quite a number of PMs in Sydney and the Gold Coast I pay between 5% and 6% plus GST, a week’s rent to find a new tenant and then some minor incidentals. Most of these I’ve had for many years and they’ve been excellent bar one exception which...
  3. troyhunt

    self managing

    Is that not a contradiction in terms?! :) Judging by your quotes I think we're on the same page here so the caveat is obviously that my sentiments include having a professional PM of which there are many around.
  4. troyhunt

    self managing

    Anecdotally, pretty much every horror tenant story I’ve ever seen has been related to self managed properties (have a trawl through the ones on this forum alone and you'll see the pattern). IMHO, find a good PM, drive a hard but fair bargain on their costs and pay for them with pre-tax income...