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  1. T

    IP Admin & Mgmt in our twilight years

    Sounds like an excellent option to keep up my sleeves. Thank you Terry.
  2. T

    IP Admin & Mgmt in our twilight years

    That's good to know Terry but I have 2 issues, (1) the loans that are attached to the properties and (2) the charity's need for cash. Nothing urgent though, I still have a few years before I have to decide how to do this.
  3. T

    IP Admin & Mgmt in our twilight years

    These properties are not in a trust. But thank you for the good advice Paul.
  4. T

    IP Admin & Mgmt in our twilight years

    Sorry, no wonder you didn't understand the way I put it :o. I'll rephrase: When the properties achieve the level of equity that I have in mind, I'll sell them and donate the cash. 20% growth would double my money.
  5. T

    IP Admin & Mgmt in our twilight years

    This is a complicated matter with many variations depending on personal circumstances. Generally your aim in retirement is to maximise income (net rent and dividend) without touching your asset base. If you can achieve that then in theory your assets will last forever and be passed intact to...
  6. T

    IP Admin & Mgmt in our twilight years

    A few things that I've done (not saying you should do the same!): - pace out the selling over several years - manufacture several years of lower income at the end of your career as you transition into retirement, and time your selling then - maximise the ability to distribute profits to...
  7. T

    IP Admin & Mgmt in our twilight years

    Hi Ian, I'm a bit like you but a bit older and already retired (I started part retirement some 10 years ago). We have property, shares, SMSF, trusts, companies. What I've done: - Sell some of the IPs and buy shares instead - much less of a burden. - Keep IPs that are newer (for low...