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  1. vbplease

    Loosing vs. Losing

    That's pretty funny.. I'd be getting curious if she starts walking around with wads of cash and you ask her where she gets it she says, "ey! forget-about-it!". :)
  2. vbplease

    Loosing vs. Losing

    and n in "neighbour"... sigh
  3. vbplease

    Loosing vs. Losing

    Hahaha.. I don't know how that "m" got in there :D
  4. vbplease

    Loosing vs. Losing

    What gets me unstuck is the - i before e except after c :o I love languages too, but I'm not a real fan of english. There're too many rules, then excemptions for some rules.. and you know what they say, "English is just French, but badly pronounced".