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    A Complete Granny Flat Build

    Shalvey GF Hiya If the OP can answer this question: "who is his target tenant?" for his size of granny flat and in this location...i think he will know why it is taking that long and hence finetune his marketing strategy... all the best...
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    A Complete Granny Flat Build

    Gf Hiya Oh! Forgot to say the best thing you have done right is engaged Alan least you got your Buyer's Agent right!:p
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    A Complete Granny Flat Build

    size matters:) Hmmm...i have a 42 sqm gf and i chose 1 bedder (simply due to tenant profile) and after talking to property managers Even then i feel it is just nice for a 1 bedder..i have a big yard for tenant though... I can't imagine a 2 bedder:eek: If I had the choice though, i would...
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    A Complete Granny Flat Build

    Gf Oops! and i did not allow for vacancy rates now and then... But hey! for the first project not too bad:D
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    A Complete Granny Flat Build

    Hiya For me , I think your margins are quite tight : Total cost of main house : 264K Total cost of gf: 102K total :366K total bank interest say 366K *5.5% = 387 per week AND Total gross rent 550 per week * 80% approximate gives net rent 440 per week Surplus = 440-387=53 per...