Search results

  1. westminster

    PERTH INVESTORS - Buy, small reno and hold - 15 k from Perth city

    Yup there are currently whole suburbs upzoned - liked Innaloo. Innaloo has had it's zoning for at least 10 years and it's still not finished being turned into medium density houses. It doesn't all happen at once but there can be gluts which you have to be aware of and factor in to your plans...
  2. westminster

    PERTH INVESTORS - Buy, small reno and hold - 15 k from Perth city

    I'd never live in any of my houses but they still have many features that are better than my own - I love my space. Yup you have to disengage your PPOR goggles and put on IP goggles which are purely value vs cost.
  3. westminster

    PERTH INVESTORS - Buy, small reno and hold - 15 k from Perth city

    True it is somewhat of an undercapitalisation but the sums still work for an IP simple 3 x 2. If it was a PPOR then I'd do something nicer two storey.
  4. westminster

    PERTH INVESTORS - Buy, small reno and hold - 15 k from Perth city

    It's all about density, distance to amenities and infrastructure capabilities. The closer you are to a Local Activity Centre or CBD the higher density you can go. I know you are off developing now but 211 is not small. Small is what I do - 3 apartments on 249sqm and 4 houses on 550sqm...
  5. westminster

    PERTH INVESTORS - Buy, small reno and hold - 15 k from Perth city

    It's not rocket science. You could plonk a $200k 3 x 2 single storey on on it if you really wanted to and it would rent for $550 a week. $500k for $550pw is a much better deal. It doesn't have to be anything special to get a good rental - check out this rental...
  6. westminster

    PERTH INVESTORS - Buy, small reno and hold - 15 k from Perth city

    Well part of Maylands is on the Mt Lawley side and that is the better side of the 2 in most cases (excluding river nice bits etc)
  7. westminster

    PERTH INVESTORS - Buy, small reno and hold - 15 k from Perth city

    I'd probably buy a small block of land like this Build a house on it and reap the rewards of - good depreciation - good tenants (right side of the tracks) - good rent - good growth