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  1. W

    Network Monitoring

    Weg ,very simple it took "US" 4 years on the waiting lists,you pay the entrance fees upfront and get in line with everybody else,and while waiting on the list if some one puts their mame down being an old girl from the school they get in first,no inbetweens that's the way the system works,BTW,i...
  2. W

    Network Monitoring

    Well-Well -Well:rolleyes:,so what's the difference between getting faceless on the skunk-nitro,having a few "E's",or drinking the top shelf,are you trying to tell me you are playing a different game you have just stated you know about drug use but it's not happening at the school you use anyone...
  3. W

    Network Monitoring

    The Girls went to 3 different schools ,you must be with the insiders to have access too private info like that Weg,about individual personal matters,Teacher??just remember to "Breathe" Weg before you give too much away..willair.. willair..
  4. W

    Network Monitoring

    You just don't get it ,how do you control something that is uncontrolable and try pulling that on someone who;s Mother-Father or Brothers are aQC or Barrister:):) money talks and if their names are on the"OldBoysGirls" lists then good luck..willair..
  5. W

    Network Monitoring

    Sit outside the school each afternoon for 14 years prior too picking them up each day-- day in day out and over the years as you see the young kids grow up and you sit there with other parents you get to hear all interesting items that only the inner circle of the schools know about, plus Simon...
  6. W

    Network Monitoring

    The Private School System hides a lot that happens within the School Gates after all if you want the punters to come in from day one and pay above 14k per child for 12 years then it has to be a clean slate,,,maybe it's just me just like walking down the any street everyone sees different...
  7. W

    Network Monitoring

    I think it would shock you what i have seen over the years outside private school parties,from grade 8-12 if you think for one second is does not go on then think again,and when it comes to technology,they hold the higher ground,all we have ever done was try and teach our daughters was have a...
  8. W

    Network Monitoring

    i'm told this works,anyone with the right mix of parental paranioa and entrepreneurial skills could make a fortune selling this within the private school system,or you only need one strand of hair and test them for OxyContin ..imho..
  9. W

    Network Monitoring

    We did it a very simple way,take them for a drive down to central Nimbin and sit in the street for half a day and watch what goes while the NSW Police walk past as if nothing happening,and show him upfront what drug use does over ones lifespan it's all on show 24-7,that way he can see for...