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  1. W

    Somerton Man

    The thing that seems so fishy if someone ever watched the 1978 Stuart Littlemore 40 minute documentary on that video, almost everyone who has touched the case (not those that hadn't had direct involvement) involved seems to know something on the case, but won't tell much until years...
  2. W

    Somerton Man

    Ive read somewhere it has the highest murders per capita in the world! More than the next region of Southern California! Also notice the patch Nullabor between Perth and Adelaide is the most dangerous in Australia? Adelaide just seems like a very big country town. I use to think the Nullabor was...
  3. W

    Somerton Man

    Anyone read about this or intrigued about it? I'm a bit of a fan of mysteries and this really caught my attention years ago when I started to read about Madeline McCann and accidentally stumbled upon it. The whole mystery reads better than any fiction book I've read. It's been 65 years, all...