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  1. W

    Ahhhhrrr the bills keep comin

    I hear what you say about over-insuring. We have cover on our lives to ensure that the debts are nearly covered (over $1M) and to cover our houses, and sometimes we take landlord cover depending on the tenants going in. Most of this is tax deductible. We have income protection on my husband...
  2. W

    Ahhhhrrr the bills keep comin

    I tend to over-insure, but knowingly. To insure a house for $1M that would cost $300K to rebuild is silly, and if anyone thinks they will get a payout of $1M then they are sillier still. However, say I think my house will cost $300K to rebuild, then I need to allow for clearing of the site...
  3. W

    Ahhhhrrr the bills keep comin

    I'm glad it is not as it sounded at first Nathan :). Regarding moving and mail, the last two times we moved, I paid for a redirection for a full twelve months to catch those letters and bills that only arrive once a year. It only cost something like $70 (from memory) for the year. Anyway, it...
  4. W

    Ahhhhrrr the bills keep comin

    I am shocked that you let your mum drive 1.2 hours a day to feed her dog. Couldn't you do it for her, even a few days a week?