1. impala67

    NAB Capital City House Price Forecasts 2014

    Property prices to keep growing News Limited Network - February 13, 2014 1:10PM http://www.heraldsun.com.au/realestate/property-prices-to-keep-growing/story-fnhytr0m-1226826140488 PROPERTY prices are tipped to grow throughout all capital cities this year with new forecasts tipping...
  2. Scott No Mates

    What's in store for 2014?

    For those who are wondering: Taken from SMH Commercial Property Section 1/1/14. http://www.smh.com.au/business/confidence-to-lift-as-commercial-sales-reach-17b-20131231-304g9.html#ixzz2p75fj5nP Australian commercial property sales reached more than $17 billion in 2013, incorporating...