
  1. M

    the property puzzle

    Is this still a valued book or is there others I should read?
  2. S

    Property Investing Library

    Reading books gives lots of ideas. I love reading and collecting books. Over the last couple of years, I have bought more than 40 books on property investing. 7 Steps to Wealth is the first book I read. John L Fitzgerald gave as a free gift in one of his seminars. From 0 to 130 properties in 3.5...
  3. K

    Advice on book selection please

    I am looking to soon begin my venture into the the world of Property Investing and I would like to start by reading a few intelligent, yet simple, books within the field. The first stage of my strategy is to start a positive cash flow portfolio. From what I gather- Jan Somers, Margaret Lomas...
  4. angel0death

    Which book?

    Hi. I'm just starting to look into investment properties, and I'm wondering if there is a good book out there to give me a good idea on investment property strategies, what to look out for, how to structure it to maximize tax returns, etc. I'm not sure if there is an up-to-date book which...
  5. Tiggy

    Sox The Philosophical Pooch

    Hi I joined a couple of days ago and have really enjoyed the interaction and support that this forum offers. While wandering around the site, I have noticed quite a few people are dog/animal oriented (and I mean that in the nicest possible way). Lots of RSPCA/wildlife supporters, so I thought...