
  1. CosmicTrevor

    The use of loan offsets against limited recourse loans in SMSFs

    I had some feedback in another thread about the use of offsets in SMSFs but I really need something specific before I go to a private ruling. Here are two scenarios; SCENARIO 1 SMSF IP1 on bare trust - settled at $550k SMSF limited recourse loan 1 on IP1, $440k SMSF offset against loan...
  2. CosmicTrevor

    New ATO Exposure Draft on SMSF Borrowing

    ATO Page On the face of it this appears to be welcome news for those that have properties on bare trust. I must admit I was surprised to see this as if limited recourse borrowing is going to be banned why even bother going to the effort of releasing new rules - unless the intent is to just...