Aerial Photos (Vic)

Anita Bell mentions the desirability of getting aerial photos if you're buying property.

Thus Victorian buyers may be interested in the following apparently free aerial photography services (from a message in melb.general newsgroup).

I have no connection with any organisations or individuals mentioned.


The home of Aus Weather Stats freeware provides free aerial
photography to Victoria using a (5ft long, 8kg take off weight) remote
control Helicopter with a camera fitted to it on a pan and tilt system
to take photographs.

The camera is operated by a second person who sees the camera view on
a monitor from a low power video downlink off the helicopter.

Operation is permitted under civil aviation regulations
Part 101

Operations are permissible as a hobby under the regulations without
operating certification so long as no fee is paid for it, the
regulations have no relevance to actual air safety, merely financial

Although the CASA regulations allow operation in the metro area I
choose not to operate in the metro area other than in locations model
aircraft are permissible and only for my own testing and development
Any locations you specify for aerial photos you want will be
considered so long as they are not in metropolitan residential areas.
Contact for inquiries at
