Another Company structure question :)

Hi fellow forumites,
Straight to the point I work full time as well as running a part time business through a company structure. I have a large portfolio in my own name but was looking for future investment properties with my wife and I been through the company structure as she is a co-director. Now I know its not the preferred way of buying properties but I wanted to take advantage of our high cash flow business in an offset account. My question is our business has only been running for 6 months and I know that will be an issue to get a loan with only be open for such a short time can you use our personal income/servicability to help secure a loan under the company structure? Thanks in advance :)
Risk Risk Risk

You should use another entity that would allow you to separate the trading from the asset. You can still use the income. I would suggest Terry W in NSW could help you out on that one

If you get in any sort of creditor or litigation issues with your business then you owning a property in the same structure will greatly appeal to lawyers of the ambulance chasing, litigious or debt recovery kind.

PS I have had multiple clients who had previously successful businesses lose the property they owned that could have otherwise been protected.
Would be easier for the bank to assess and take charge over the assets if different entities. Also for your asset protection