Another Strata-related issue

Hi all,

Can you any body please explain what is "committee member" in a strata? i own an apartment managed by strata

I thought everybody who owns a property automatically becomes a member.

A repair was made to the fence and now it has fallen again within months (less than 6). The quotation strata provided to all owners includes the company namem mobile numbers and address. If we requested things to be fix by the repairer, why does Strata need to notify a committee member prior to actioning????

As an owner you have the right to vote (if your fees are paid up). At the Annual General Meeting a committee is formed to approve expenditure etc. You can go on the committee at the AGM if you wish.

Imagine if there were 50 units and everybody could just ring up and organise for things to be done. It would be mayhem.

If you have an issue Email or ring your strata company. They will notify the committee to get approval.
As with the issue with the fence, agaion Email or ring your strata company. They will contact the company and get them to fix it.
I'm not 100% sure on this one because I'm not 100% sure I'm reading your post right so bear with me and others please step in to correct me!

If the fence was on common land then the repairs will be paid for from the slush fund which needs to be approved by Strata prior to going ahead. It is possible that more costs will be incurred by the new repairs & it is up to them to follow up the work under any warranty.
Sez that is correct.

But the strata company will contact the committee for approval. The strata company works for the owners. The owners appoint a committee so every owner does not have to be contacted for every minor expenditure.

At the AGM when more owners are present things will be discussed (including upcoming expenditure). Which is why it is important to be at the AGM's. Especially if you don't have a good committee and have a terrible strata committee.
At one of mine which I couldn't attend due to illness the strata manager thought it might be a good idea to spend some money as there was a lot "just sitting" in the sinking fund. First I knew I got a letter for approval. Luckily it didn't go ahead. I had a word to her about that.:rolleyes:
Hi all,

Can you any body please explain what is "committee member" in a strata? i own an apartment managed by strata

I thought everybody who owns a property automatically becomes a member.


All of the property owners of a strata plan are members of the Body corporate. They have voting rights in accordance with the number of votes allocated to the lot owned.

Tenants do not have voting or speaking rights at meetings of the BC unless they have been invited by a member of the BC. If there is an issue raised by the tenant, it should be advised to the owner who then should take it to the BC.

At the AGM, the executive committee is selected ie the chairman, secretary, treasurer & others. These people are then responsible for handling the day to day approvals for expenditure and general day to day issues in conjunction with the Strata Manager.