Anyone interested to sell privately in Sydney & Brisbane?

See them - what do I care?
If some mug's willing to pay me 11% sight-unseen, why would I want to even think about going anywhere near that place?
Because Aaron Sice, grossreal or someone else could put up hundreds of them next door or there is a mining accident and prices can fall overnight.
True, BV. Too true! Wanna cheap IP or two?

lol, I wouldn't be able to cope.
I already find it hard to look after my IP's to the extend where I now started to buy old double brick units. ( :eek: I used to hate red brick)
Ok I don't get 11% but the trick is to have low holding costs, capital gains will come, its just a matter of time.
I eat red brick for breakfast, . . . literally. (You think I was born with silver spoon in my mouth? Nup, red brick all the way. Cornflakes are for blue-blood Easties!)