"Apartment prices slide as professionals hit the wall"

Article in SMH today says that:

"The completion of another 4000 CBD apartments next financial year will flood an already oversupplied market, putting more pressure on prices"

"Prices of investment apartments in the inner city will fall 10% by 2006, after inflation"

"Rents will fall by 15% and the number of apartments without tenants will jump by 50% over the next 18 months"

"44,000 apartments within 3kms of the city by the end of next financial year"

"Investment apartment prices will fall quickly because investors tend to sell quickly when rental yields fall" ..... "By contrastm the higher quality owner occupied apartments are expected to increase in value by 20% to June 2006"

"The inner city investment apartment market should begin to pick up by 2006"

Now what are we to make of all that? :) Buyers market just around the corner?

Due diligence is easy...just have someone go next door and have a conversation. The apartments with wafer thin walls will be easy to pick. Many apartments built in inner Sydney in the last 5 years don't comply with the building code in relation to issues like this.
