Bad real estate ads

When I first walked into this home I felt very relaxed, I liked the space and that the bar is not far from the TV, which is handy for the wife when fetching me a schbert or two when I'm watching my footy team win and it's also close to the outdoor entertaining area with a below ground pool. I reckon the wife could reach the lemon and lime tree, which is handy when I'm having a sherbet or two with my three brothers and if they decide to stay then they can all have their own bedroom and I've still got the master to ourselves, although I'm not sure what to do with the nursery, perhaps it could be my office.

A feature that the wife would like is that after cooking one of her fantastic creations she can retire to her own lounge to watch whatever takes her fancy and still not to far from the bar when I'm thirsty.

:eek: Maybe he's trying to be funny? I don't know but I would NOT allow my house to be marketed this way! Thoughts and other examples?
I guess he's trying to stand out by being different to generate interest. Not something that would work well in Sydney Inner West but in his market who knows?
I've just been going through lots of listings 'for sale' and 'for rent', I can't believe how many shocking adverts I've come across. Poor quality photos for brand new properties and rentals advertised at 2012 prices were the worst I came across. Seems a lot of people just don't care.
I like the advert however Im a little alarmed about sexest remarks in it. Why the little woman of the house is even allowed out of the kitchen or bedroom in the first place to serve her man is disgraceful. :eek:
