Business Plan for Investment Property ?



From: Anonymous

Business Plan for property Investment :

Can any assist me with a basic outline or sample plan that has been used to obtain
funding on an investment property.

It seems the bank is now needing this, before okaying the lot of funding.

I have the basic outline of general business plan just need what that is for property.

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Reply: 1
From: Simon and Julie M

This might sound like ruff advice but here it is.
If you think you have a plan that works in other areas just use it and learn from your mistakes
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Reply: 2
From: Mr S

Just list your income down one side of the page including rents.

List you expenses down the other side including Tax, Rental expenses (Rates etc) Loan repayments (Interest) and Living expenses.

Then total income and take away expenses... Then you have a net income. (Play money)

At the bottom of the page list assets that produce an income ONLY!!!!!!!!

Not the car or CD player.... but

The house (Passive asset - income if you sell)
The Rental properties.
Share portfolio

On the other side list the liabilities.... LOANS!!!

You bank can then clearly see if you can afford it or not and determine your borrowing capacity...

Cheers - Martin
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Reply: 2.1
From: Sergey Golovin


This topic was on forum couple of month ago as well as some other times.

Please search archives; also have look at this one -

And you can use your normal search engine (literally any search engine) and type in - Business Plan, press Enter and you are away.

I think some big banks do provide samples of business plans on their web sites as well.

Good luck

Serge G.
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