carpet repair responsibility

The carpet in our office is infested with carpet beetles and we also have water damage caused by water seeping in from the laundromat next door. The landlord is saying that it is the tenants responsibility and the tenant is saying it is the landlords responsibility. Any information would be appreciated.
  1. Is the landlord/managing agent the same for both premises?
  2. Have you raised the matter of a water leak with the owner/manager - their responsibility to fix.
  3. If they fix the water leak, then pass this to your insurer and advise them that the leak was coming from next door.
  4. The longer you wait, the more likely it will become your problem as you have done nothing to have it fixed.
The landlord owns both buildings. It has been raised with the landlord and agent but they are telling us it is our responsibility.
Is there anything in your lease covering who is responsible for what? Sounds like a commercial lease where it seems you might indeed be responsible, but it would all be there in black and white (hopefully).
I work for the tenant. I will get him to check his lease, which is due for renewal now. I've told him ot should be a condition of renewing the lease.
Thanks for your help