cockroaches getting rid of naturally have u had success and how fast did they go .

someone close to me needs to urgently move into a flat before her baby is born. but how we we first get rid of cockroaches fast and without chemicals as they can be harmful to human health and babies.

i've read up on internet and wonder if anyone
has had success with any of these methods.
and how soon did they dissappear.

1 friend just used exterminator with natural products. will tell me name.

apparently within a few days it makes a difference then gone fully within couple of weeks -60 days

2 need to keep putting fresh borax or borax sugar around
and keep extra in sealed container to keep it powerful.

googled and found 10 or so solutions i have all of these items on my hall table.

3 spray them with soapy water and water with tea tree and citronella oil

4 put bay leaves or/and catnip or and borax around
borax and sugar mixture around or on lids or plates

5or baking soda and sugar mixture around in plates or containers with holes or sprinkled

6 cracker on plate, wet it, put baking soda on it they eat it and take rest back to kill rest of nest

7 bread in a can/container with vaseline at sides of inside container , bread attracts them and then vaseline stops them getting out

Francine, i would do the pest spray as it would have the best results.

by the way, you seem to have lots of people with dilemas around ya needing to be answered :p
Many many years ago, back when I was a wee university student, an ex of mine was living in a roach infested hovel. The kind of roaches that could pick up your dinner and walk off with it - huge things.

The fix? He adopted some feral kittens that were living in the hovel's backyard. They ate the roaches. Hungry cats are good like that.
Oh and buy a big tin of that mortein outdoor barrier spray stuff, its like $13 a bottle or something ridiculous, and follow the instructions.

ETA: ok, how did I get to 1,000 posts since getting the IP? Do I really have that much free time? Damn baby ...
We use a pest controller who uses "friendly" stuff, a little dob here and there in the cupboards, safe.

Why not go this way. We never see a live cockie. I reckon the geckos help too.
Definately get someone in and do the job properly. If you do it yourselves, then a combination of surface spray and baits under the furniture etc. The baits are toxic if you eat them but you don't even touch them.

All of the natural ways are very very slow and not particularly effective and you'll still be living with roaches in various stages of their life cycle. That means they'll get on the baby's things. Eeew!

I had a relative who tried every natural way to get rid of these things that he possibly could. I hated eating at his house because I knew at night the roaches were having a field day. One favourite method was a plaster of paster mix that didn't really set. It was put in an old margerine container and he'd put it out near the pantry every night before bed. The roaches would crawl in and die very slowly, and as they die apparently attract other roaches with their screams!!! :eek: In the morning he'd count the roaches and congratulate himself on his success. It was so gross!!

Good luck :)
I dont have a specific recepie, but anything like ecalyptus, tee tree oil, garlic, peppers, neem leaves, etc put into a mix of soap and water might be worth a try.
Coincidentally, someone else I know has a roach problem in a very small flat.

She's not asking roach advice, she's asking how to break her lease and move out ... funny, the roachy house has lots of *other* outstanding issues with it too.

thanks for that.
search on internet and other people i know said they had good results with borx
or borax and sugar
or same thing with baking soda or baking soda and sugar
also things like bayleaves
tea tree oil, citronella, spray of soap and water on them

peole said they had fast results. but i think she is going the exterminator direction instead.

wylie i'd love to know of the natural one though i think its a bit late for her

We use a pest controller who uses "friendly" stuff, a little dob here and there in the cupboards, safe.

Why not go this way. We never see a live cockie. I reckon the geckos help too.

The 'dob' here or there would be the same sort of poison that is inserted into the commercially available roach bait you buy in the supermarket. The only difference is that the exterminator use enough to kill the legions of roaches that seem to multiply and I think it may also be more potent. A4 Flyer.pdf

My mate reports great results with geko's (he lives in QLD) only problem is when cold winter reduce the number of geko;'s. I have tried the same thing with my aquarium's (as can't spray) with mild results.:(


cockroaches and what are gekos?

thanks for that but i dont know what gekos are i will google

there were alot after the exterminator came
we left borax sugar mixture and there are only a few now.
see how it goes and ready to try anything

I try to carry out my checks so I dont rent to COCKROACHES, if I do then I would be evicting them:D:D

Ha ha - reminds me of a nightmare we were having with some tenants complaining about cockroaches in their unit, we had professional spray, bombed, baited everything known to man.. still couldn't get rid of the *******s. The property manager involved was getting very angry about it, so as a joke i wrote a formal termination notice to the cocokroaches and left it on her desk.

Geckos are small lizards that spend their time on walls and roofs around lights and eat mozzies, flies and cockies. Anyone from up north has probably spent a few hours watching geckos hunt for food. They seem to defy gravity when running along the roof and will swing from 2 feet in an attempt to catch flying moths etc.