corporate trustee/trusts/business

Hi All,

I was hoping someone may be able to give me some advice regarding structures. I have a corporate trustee, unit trust and discretionary trust for asset protection. I am about to start a new business and I have two options (I think): add a new unit trust to the existing structure to run the business or form a new company and new discretionary trust. Obviously the first option would be cheaper but I really want effective asset protection. I have just purchased 2 IPs using my new structure so this is all a bit new to me.


12 years too late, but why not consider running the business through a new company with the shares owned by the existing discretionary trust.
Were you a little bored last night Terry? This post was left unanswered for a mere 12 years yet you managed to find it and provide an answer. We can't say that it wasn't a considered answer.
Last time I went to school 2014 - 2004 = 10 years? Perhaps they taught something different when you guys went to school? Were you scared of the dinosaurs? :p
