cross collaterization question

that's right eyespy, you just keep repeating the same process every time, spread the new purchases over as many lenders as possible.

good luck and maybe switch brokers and use Richard!
I'm looking at buying another property at approx $210k & only wish to put in approx 5% + fees as a contribution & figured if I X-Coll against my PPOR I wont need to pay LMI, I have several other mortgages (Less than 80% LVR) for IP's but no credit card & no Line of credit, is there another way I can do it to avoid LMI as I figure LMI is waste of money?

You can take the money out of your PPOR (as a LOC) without crossing.

My PPOR is crossed with 1 IP but I also used the LOC to buy another (not crossed). I didn't know any better. Now I can't sell my PPOR without paying down $300K to realease PPOR. I don't want to sell yet but will in about 5 years.

Never say "I'll never want to sell" I thought that too but the house is too big for us now.