DDPproperty.com.au - Zaki Ameer

Hi Guys,

Posted in an old thread in coffee lounge - but thought I may get a better response in this section.

Has anyone worked with them? Any feedback would be appreciated.

Also opinions on their strategy etc would be good too.

If you want to be led down the path and overpay you have picked well. Their business model makes money from you in every step of the process. In ways you may or may not even have disclosed to you.

I'm not suggesting anything illegal but the process lacks every element of independence. Controlled from start to finish. Fear and trepidation are their strength and your weakness. I love it starts with a financial plan...Guess what it will say ?? My powers of prediction think it will recommends property !

I met a new client yesterday. He is SS. He ran from a different but similar firm that did exactly this. He found his own property and reckons he saved $25K easy. They then sacked him as a client ! Its probably a good thing in hindsight.

Do yourself a favour and do some homework. People on SS are helpful and can steer you. The develop kickbacks of $25K per property could be better spent in your pocket.