Do you agree with Robert Kiyosaki's prediction? GFC in 2016....

I'm predicting 3rd quarter 2015. US equities to rise going into 3rd quarter next year. Capital has to find a home. and US equities it will be.

Ok it's here in writing. Let's touch base in October 2015 and see if I made a correct prediction or not.

Capital continues to move into US equities as the DOW hits 18k. If it breaks 18.5k it will continue upwards to 20k. Capital is making the decisions.

Hmmm, interesting coastymike. Sounds somewhat familiar... ah yes, Martin Armstrong.
Yes i think his discovery of capital flows is correct. It makes sense. He hasn't got everything right but certainly much more than others. A group of us who have pooled resources together have made substantial returns this year. If we had followed CNN we would have lost money.

For us it was a very very Merry Christmas !!!
So how the predictions of a US equities collapse going. Capital continues to move into US equities and will do so for some time. Portfolio continues to rise. DJIA continues to rise.