Escaping the Chicken Farm

A snippet from the latest Motivational Memo (

A snippet from that great animated movie, Chicken Run.

To put it in context, Ginger the chicken has time and time again endeavoured to organise a mass escape from the chicken farm without any success.

One of the chickens, who had failed to produce eggs, has
just been executed by the farmer, and so a meeting has
been called by Ginger with all the chickens in attendance.

Here is part of their conversation...

'Then laying eggs all your life and then getting plucked,
stuffed and roasted is good enough for you, is it?

It's a living.

You know what the problem is? The fences aren't just
around the farm, they're up here in your heads. There's
a better place out there. Somewhere beyond that hill
has wide open spaces with lots of trees and grass. Can
you imagine that? Cool green grass.

Who feeds us?

We feed ourselves.

Where's the farm?

There is no farm.

Then where does the farmer live?

There is no farmer Babs.

Is he on holiday?

He isn't anywhere. Don't you get it? There's no morning
head count, no farmers, no dogs and coups and keys and
no fences.

In all my life I've never heard such a fantastic LOAD OF
TRIPE. Oh face the facts ducks, the chances of us getting
out of here is a million to one.

Then there's still a chance.'

This was a great scene! :)

You only worry about voices in your head when they tell you to shhh when your trying to think.


I make my own decisions, once the voices in my head reach a consensus.


I use to worry alot, then the voices told me it was all ok.

Just a thought, (not necessarily that of the writer)
Michael G
I love that movie!!!

I also love that my kids watch it over and over and over, and don't realise that they are learning that the CHICKENS CAN WIN!!!

asy :D