February Melbourne MSN IP Group Meeting


the next Melbourne MSN IP Group meeting will be held at Victoria University, Footscray Park campus, details being:

Date: Tuesday 18th of February 2003
Time: 6.45pm (aiming for a 7pm start)
Building A, room A315 (nice venue selected to cater for our guest speakers). The venue seats around 80 people so you can bring along a friend.
Address: Ballarat Road, Footscray (cnr Hoadley Crt)
Parking: Plenty of parking opposite the campus on Ballarat Road & it's free ;)
Agenda: well we have secured a guest speaker from an organisation called Property Image Creators who will focus on "Hot to maximise your returns when selling OR renting a property by exterior &/or interior decoration". I expect that we will have plenty of questions to ask, so it would be a good idea to come along & fire away...
Cost: Free of course ;)
Note: vending machines with drinks, snacks, icecreams & coffees/cappuccinos are 20m away on the same level, so you may want to bring along some coins if you intend to use them...

As always, you don't have to RSVP, just show up... I hope to see you there...


Just bumping it... under a week to go...

Note: we have the guest speakers coming along, so it would be worth-while...



for our February meeting we did have Kerry & Shay from Property Image Creators come in as our guest speakers, who spent an hour with us discussing how to optimise the look of your property to assist get the maximise price for your property when selling OR renting... details they covered include:

* How to optimise the look of your property Appeal to the lifestyle & requirements of the potential tenant or buyer (based on statistics &/or demographics)
* A first impression can only be made once, therefore need to make a good first impression to your potential purchaser or vendor
* Investing in the right property is a major task that involves many factors as many people are really buying a dream & a lifestyle (as per the above point, 1st impressions are essential)
* Presentation is essential, needs to be clean (ie. scrub down the walls), paint can be a great investment (adds substantial value to the property), outdoor needs to also be clean & made to look good, 1st room of the house needs to stand out (1st impressions ;)) & lighting is essential (natural &/or good lighting)
* In the garden, colour does help & if u have time b4 your first inspection, planting some seadlings would add lots of life, also water features do go down well, outdoor coffee table can give the outdoor (ie. courtyard) a different meaning, ie. appeal like another room Kerry & Shay did offer to come out to Hawthorn if needed later in the year (in one of our other meetings) if needed, especially for members that couldn't make it to this meeting...

Above were some of the main points discussed by our guest speakers & we did ask plenty of questions... when the guest speakers did leave,
we did all sit down & continue with our meeting & we did go over what we did hear from our guest speakers, discussed renovations, wraps, finances, etc... meeting went till 10.30pm so was very informative...

Thanx goes out to everyone who did attend & I will be speaking to someone suggested by the members to see if they can make it to our next meeting (at Swinburne) as our guest speaker...

