


From: Mike .

Questions to ASK... DUE DILIGENCE
From: Robert
Date: 6/2/00
Time: 6:04:59 PM


I have started saving all questions that we post to each other and the replies we give.

I will post these onto the board once I have enough to make a worthy posting.

Though ALL readers on the forum can help me by advising where in ANY of the below postings there is a question that WE would all like to have in one big collection. Please don't just post them underneath this one as we will be just double posting things. If you can provide me with the HEADER, DATE & NAME of the POSTING I will go back and seach for it.

Thanks to people like Will, Andrew, Les etc for suggesting the posting. Now I am going to get this going, but please give me time to get them all together at least 1 week, I do have to do some work whilst I'm at work!!!!

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Reply: 1
From: Mike .

Re: Questions to ASK... DUE DILIGENCE
From: Mick
Date: 6/5/00
Time: 4:03:24 PM

You are too good to be true. Being largly e-challenged, people often post excellent reference sites and links for all manner of things IP related. Are we able to encompass a link database also or it that too hard work? How would one go about it?

Thanks for your good work.

Mick (the computer illiterate)
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Reply: 1.1
From: Mike .

Re: Questions to ASK... DUE DILIGENCE-Read This Thanks Robert
From: Will
Date: 6/2/00
Time: 11:34:20 PM

Robert I just want to thank you for what will become a valueable resource for all investors on this forum. As it grows we will no longer have to "say it again SaM " we can just say see posting #.... date... or what ever . The next step is to add a search mechanism with key word facility! Will
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Ian W

Reply: 1.1.1
From: Mike .

Re: Questions to ASK... DUE DILIGENCE-Read This Thanks Ro...
From: Ian W
Date: 6/5/00
Time: 6:04:43 PM

The search engine is/was available on this forum. Something happened to it and it now targets (does searches on) another section of the Somers' server rather than the forum postings. I pointed this out to Ian S. some time ago, however it hasn't been fixed/changed. - Try a search on "Brisbane" and you will only get two results, one of which refers to the Coach of the local school's skipping team (which, by the way, does very well in competitions, including representing Aus overseas!! Well done kids and coach!!)

If we can get this fixed then Robert doesn't have to make a full list of Q&A's but only a cross reference list of Q's and keywords for the search engine. This would also address Will's suggestion and for Ric, the whole forum becomes the database with little effort (as was no doubt first intended when the forum was set up). Please confirm that this is the problem with the search function (try it yourself) and if you agree send an e-mail to the webmaster asking if it can be fixed. ian W

PS for Gee Cee I found this problem with the search engine while searching for a solution to a problem with using Netscape back at the start of the year. Your posting 1/8/00. I found a solution then, in case you didn't notice the posting 2/25/00
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From: Mike .

Re: Questions to ASK... DUE DILIGENCE
From: Ric
Date: 6/2/00
Time: 10:31:38 PM

One question that might be asked of property managers that I don't remember being posted on this forum is:

"How much do you charge?"

I have anecdotal evidence of their cut ranging from 7.5% to 12%. And there are other add-ons, like letting fees and property inspection fees.

I would be interested in hearing of other forum devotees' experiences in this regard.

cheers, Ric
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