Freaky Deja Vu !

I'm considering signing up with a website review service and one of the sites they gave as an example really freaked me out for about 60 seconds, the most stunned I've ever been.

The site is called
Now I watch my fair share of porn, but this is actually about equipment for windsurfing, kiteboarding, etc.
Then there was a twitter post saying - Ride me all day for $3....
See that before.
But then I went into a spasm of Deja Vu where everywhere I looked on the site it was so vivid and it was like I dreamt of all this stuff just last night, freaky weird.
Went on continuously for about 60 seconds until I had to snap out of it.

Anybody had this recently?
This is the strongest I've ever had, so vivid, so weird, but kind of feels good to experience it.
I was on this new property forum today, propertychat i think it is called. Doppelgangers of lots of people from here talking about the same things.

No porn though. I am dissapoint.
But then I went into a spasm of Deja Vu where everywhere I looked on the site it was so vivid and it was like I dreamt of all this stuff just last night, freaky weird.....
This is the strongest I've ever had, so vivid, so weird, but kind of feels good to experience it.

Deja vu is usually a glitch in the Matrix. It happens when they change something.