I must first acknowledge that the broad concept of “Friend or Foe” as I elaborate upon below is that of a personal development author named Johnny Wimbrey. I have summarised and reworded some of his ideas and incorporate some of my notes taken when I saw him live two years ago and annotated with my own thoughts and reflections to post something that I believe is very important in our journey to win. It has helped me don a different perspective in numerous situations and thought I’d share with my Somersoft friends. :)

In a quest to BE DO HAVE (Be more Do more Have more), in whatever realm of achievement, most of us would probably agree that no one is an island. As we rely on teams of professionals, colleagues, mentors, role models and other trusted people in our investing lives, it is important to ascertain whether or not these people are pushing us toward our destiny or holding us back. In other words are they a friend or are they a foe?

In the context of success and winning, a friend or foe is much more than just a person. A friend can be any person, place or thing that’s helping us become everything that God (Grand Organised Design, universe, creator, choose your own metaphor) intended us to be. A foe is someone or something that holding us back and stopping us from getting there.

A friend (person, place or thing) is pushing us toward our destiny and helping to build us into a better person. These include people that celebrate us and not merely tolerate us. I find that if we need to explain, validate or down play our success to others to not offend, intimidate or upset their status quo of mediocrity, we are likely to be dealing with a foe. They may not be intentional enemies or knowingly wish to harm us, however as they are not helping push us toward our destiny (goals and dreams), then by default they are holding us back and indeed sucking us down and dragging us to their level. In an attempt to not lose us from the tribe, they may thwart our progress to prosper and achieve.

Never apologise for your success or if you are beginning on the success path, never apologise for wanting to better yourself to anyone or you will compromise your success and self worth. These are the people who are not allowing you to be who you want to be (you have to put on an act to not intimidate them and their chosen comfy couch lifestyle). They are foes who will hold you back from your true destiny.

These may include our peers, work colleagues, relatives and immediate family. No doubt we all have stories and experiences of our own with the latter :rolleyes: I heard a good phrase once encapsulates this.....”Love your family; Choose your peers.” We are responsible for who we spend major time with. This leads to the biggest foe of all, OURSELVES ;) What we consume and what consumes us will help shape our destiny; good or bad. The true enemy sometimes is inside of us (ourselves). We have a choice to entertain the things (foes) that may be holding us back, so at the end of the day, we are the enemy for allowing the foes (people, places or things) to persist in our lives/reality and therefore hold us back.

We are free to choose. We can be a pilot or a passenger. We have to be vigilant about what we consume or what consumes us. When we identify (by personal inventory) what’s inside us and what we participate in that might be holding us back, we need to take action to let them go and stop being the enemy inside ourselves. Otherwise we become the very thing that holds us back the most.

Some questions to reflect include, where are we going; who do we listen to; what are we watching on TV or reading; who do we spend the most time with and whether we have healthy social habits?, etc.

If, once we identify the things that hold us back, we delay cutting loose the foes from our lives, then we remain our own worst enemy. :eek: Whilst in life we (should) enjoy moderation in most things, this should not apply to foes. There’s no such thing as moderation in entertaining foes, i.e: just one or two or only occasionally.......we end up getting sucked back into a spiral of negativity and becoming our own enemy. Association brings about assimilation. It is important to do the things that are building us up and not tearing nus down.

Aristotle said....”I count him braver who overcomes his desires that he who overcomes his enemies, for the hardest (most satisfying and important; emphasis mine) victory is over self. ;)

We don’t have the luxury to entertain foes once we have identified them, We should not feel guilty for wanting to better ourselves or compromise our success at the cost of a foe. True friends will not be intimidated by our desire for success and desire to win.

I’ve found the following questions useful to reflect on my path at times and these are not just limited to monetary success; they may include relationships, health, career, or whatever else we desire or need to heal. You may find it useful to answer these for yourselves:

Are the places you are going to the most building you into a better person?

What (and who) do you listen to (or watch) and is that building you into a better person?

Who do you socialise with and are they building you into a better person?

Could your enemies or foes very well be the things that you are entertaining most?

Some confronting questions for self inventory. Personally I am guilty of sometimes procrastinating and delaying decisions because it’s safer on the comfy couch. We are a long time dead and life is too short to be tiptoeing through life to arrive as safe as possible at our grave.

Initially we may not know what we don’t know, however once we do have the knowledge there is no excuse for failing to take action. Wisdom is the application of knowledge.....those who have knowledge and fail to apply it are fools at the very least, and remain their very own enemy by continuing to entertain their foes (people, places, thing, behaviours, etc).

“Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved” – William J. Bryan.

Perhaps Jim Rohn summarises this thread best, ..................Don’t Major In Minor Things.

Are you your own best friend or are you your foe?
This is so true Michael. I really believe that your mindset and all that it encompasses are the difference between success or stagnation. Excellent post. Thanks
So true

Hi Michael,

It's so true. When i think I cannot buy an IP, i just can't. Whenever I decide to buy an IP within a time frame everything falls into place and i do buy one.

On personal note i remember someone telling me " people will throw stones in your path, it's up to you to make a castle or a wall out of them".

Love this post Player, you recognise the layers we can try to put on ourselves in a way, how important self perception, self talk is.

The people and stuff we bring into our lives, the choices we make.

Great post love it, read it a couple of times and get something of value each time.

I am a friend, and have surrounded myself with the same, supportive, encouraging, experienced, generous, knowledeable, fun, patient, offering clarity and input when I get a thousand brainstorming, sometimes over the top (just a little) ideas.:)

So, what else ya got? I love reading your stuff.
I'm glad that you're one of the people who enriches my life, my friend. I get inspired every time I see or talk to you. Thank you. :)
Brilliant thoughts Michael, so true.

I've been working on this for a while and am gradually getting there. See my old friends less, don't talk about business much with people that don't have the right attitude - even if they do ask.

This to me is a very powerful point you raise:

Wisdom is the application of knowledge.....those who have knowledge and fail to apply it are fools at the very least, and remain their very own enemy by continuing to entertain their foes (people, places, thing, behaviours, etc).

You've reminded me that whilst I've been focusing on removing negative people and influences, I do still engage in poor behaviour though I have the knowledge that what I'm doing is wrong. In this case I'm referring specifically to self doubt at times still (ie. make a small mistake but rather than move on quickly, tend to dwell on it), and also physically ie. eating poorly etc.
Hi folks,

The distinction that helps me the most is that the friend or foe perspective doesn't just involve people, but as has been mentioned above by some, the behaviours and decisions/choices we make or don't make.

On the impersonal level, behaviours such as addictions to toxins, meaningless activities, disempowering places/people, procrastinating, etc., ultimately come back to haunt us on the personal level as the choices we make (good or bad; positive or negative) will impact on whether we are (our own) friend or foe.

This stuff is so simple to put into words, but not so easy to put into our reality. I gues trying to perfect at it is also an unrealistic aim. Perfections is for the God(s) or universe/creator, etc. Perhaps we should strive to be excellent instead. Leave a little room for error and learning so that we can grow and improve on our mistakes and use them as stepping stones.

Maybe adopting the 80/20 rule would be more apt. The hardest time I have with this is with close peers and immediate family. Whilst I try to have a buffer by limiting time with them, this is not always practical, so I do the next best thing. I ignore some of the mind viruses that inevitably come out of their mouths. Furthemore, I use them as further evidence of what not to be like or become. ;)

This is not being arrogant, merely looking out for my interests first. They say that you cannot help the poor by being one of them. Similarly, if I don't become the best that I can be in all realms of my life, I can't be or do or provide the best for those that really matter after myself; my wife and daughter and others.

Thanks for some of the feedback above. OO, I also look forward to your posts and the distinctions and metaphors you provide and masters/teachers that you often quote. Ozperp, ditto friend, I too am inspired by what you've achieved in a short time and your clear and methodical solution focused outlook on things especially when looking at problems and turning them into opportunities.

Steve, good point. Once we actually know (what we didn't know) there can be no excuse for validating anything that doesn't serve us well........I really need to learn to multiquote. :eek:

I think the best way we can delineate some of our own behaviours or activities is (as Tony Robbins puts it) become experts at asking questions. Those who have children know that from about the age of two onwards they are the champions of questions. So too, we need to ask whether what we are about to do, say, watch, consume, entertain, etc., is going to serve us well? Will it empower us and make us wealthy, healthy, vibrant, or will it decay us, clog us or keep us on the comfy couch of mediocrity and poverty.

If we choose activities/behaviours that result in the latter outcomes, we need to look at our self esteem and find out all the reasons we can that are keeping us stuck and in a state of inertia when consciously we know we should change. Self sabotage is a complex area and I'm not intending this to be a way to solve it for anyone here, however for those who care to admit it; it does apply to most of us here.

These have been hard yards for me also on several levels in the past, and I'm still working on this stuff vigilantly particularly when some curve balls are delivered my way. We can either duck to get out of the way or have a re-hot go. I strive for the latter. :)

As firstmillion also says above (On personal note i remember someone telling me " people will throw stones in your path, it's up to you to make a castle or a wall out of them".).....I would also say that adopting the red-hot go analogy further, you can either use the stones to make a wall (and create barriers and roadblocks) or use those stones to makes "stepping stones to your success".........the choice is us up to us.
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Very motivating

Hi Michael,

Brilliantly said. Are you planning to write a blog, a precursor to writing a motivational book. Rob and yourself have the spark to change lives mate.:)

Keep on writing guys.

I remember a chat i have had with a group of friends and one of them said, it's difficult to buy an IP and my response was yes, you are right . After 5 mins another said, buying an IP sounds very easy and my answer was again, you are right. The second guy has bought an IP since then :). The difference was, as player has put it., asking the right questions.

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An amazing post

Hi Player,

That was truly an amazing post.

Thank you. It was helpful on so many levels.

Having a positive and constructive mindset is crucial to achieving goals in all aspects of our lives. Associating with like minded people encourages us to keep pursuing our goals.

I also enjoy reading your material, Player. Your willingness to share your thoughts is much appreciated. Thanks again.

Regards Jason.
With the focus on the forum of this 'mindset' stuff, why isn't there more mega wealthy millionaires on here.

I have a very wealthy friend with no 'mindset', he's hardly educated, he just turns up every day and has more front than KMart.

My opinion is it's overrated but that's just my opinion, everyone has one.

This mindset and motivation waffle is designed to make you feel like you are really achieving when you aren't doing nearly as much as you could be.

It doesn't happen in your mind, it happens with action.
It starts in the mind

With the focus on the forum of this 'mindset' stuff, why isn't there more mega wealthy millionaires on here.

I have a very wealthy friend with no 'mindset', he's hardly educated, he just turns up every day and has more front than KMart.

My opinion is it's overrated but that's just my opinion, everyone has one.

This mindset and motivation waffle is designed to make you feel like you are really achieving when you aren't doing nearly as much as you could be.

It doesn't happen in your mind, it happens with action.

There will always be exceptions....and btw how do you define "no mindset"? :confused:

I do agree Evan, it doesn't HAPPEN in your mind (read above I said that those with knowledge and fail to apply it are fools at the very least and their own foe/enemy by that definition)..........however, it STARTS IN THE MIND.

We are the thinker of our own thoughts. To those who struggle sometimes (and my hand is in the air as I am one), perhaps looking at how we are thinking; the questions we ask of ourselves; and taking the perspective of being our own friend, may lead those of us who struggle to view our current (in)actions with a more objective eye.

Einstein said insaninity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. In order for the action to change, it must be preceded by a thought. As we are thinker in our own minds, we should ensure that our thoughts are (mostly) good ones. Well directed questions (of ourselves) may help us to continue down the path of empowerment rather than just taking any old road or worse still a no-through road.
The old bloke who's made a fortune in commercial property over the last 40yrs would probably look at you with a blank stare if you mentioned the above subject to him. But I bet you he's got the right mindset anyway, and wouldn't have got nearly as far if he was a pessimist, doubtful, fearful and unwilling to take chances his whole life.

A lot of successful people out there have the right mindset even though they may not actively be focusing on it or even aware of it, and probably don't care about it when it's mentioned such as the topic in this thread.

Other people don't have this mindset and need to develop it for themselves and change their way of thinking if they want to get ahead.
i know what you're saying nathan - but maybe those that don't feel the need for the psychobabble are already in the right head space.

a lot of people aren't and have to overcome many major spending and investing bad habits.

my MIL recently called her new TV an "investment" (i honest-to-god kid you not) because it would "last her into her retirement". if you grew up being taught that mentality, you would have to "unlearn what you have learned" to quote yoda, and re-learn a correct mindset with regards to debt and income producing or tax saving assets.

reading helps me deal with some demons of my own. i have 4 generations of lower middle working class background. you stick to your "station" in life, you pay your taxes, you have a nice house you pay for with a solid j-j-j-job (sorry, bit of a stutter there) and work your way through life and when you retire, you get some daggy thingz clock and a severance package and pay your house off and live your life on $412 a fortnight for the rest of your life.

that's a slave. i'm running my business, but my business has turned me into a slave and it is now the master.

time to break out the capoeira and take back the sugar plantation.
Timely, very timely

Nelson Mandela said
"our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are all powerful beyond measure,it is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.

we ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, georgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are we not to be?

Your playing small does not serve the world, there is nothing enlightening about shrinking, so that other people wont feel insecure around you"

I recognise from my own personal experience, that "friends" want to provide you with their "wisdom" and caution me about the future and what may or may not happen with my investment strategy.

Thats fine, I let the white noise drift over my head. Im on a fairly conservative strategy, but It suits me fine, and Im happy to share with my fellow investor friends and leave my friends to their own journey's....

I refuse to live a life of mediocrity, and embrace the challenges that I now and in the future will face.

What a great post, Michael. I've read and re-read and cannot agree more.

Luvvit - your quotes were also worth a second read.

I've been away from SS for a few days and every time I return, I know there's great stuff waiting to be pondered upon and considered.

OO -from the well thought-out posts that you constantly feed into this forum, I know you are truly a 'friend'.

Thanks guys - the forum has opened my mind to possibilities I never considered before.

... The distinction that helps me the most is that the friend or foe perspective doesn't just involve people, but as has been mentioned above by some, the behaviours and decisions/choices we make or don't make.

The concept of friend or foe also involves our memory, what we experienced in the past as well as what we envisage in the future. Memory can hold us back or push us forward.

An important thing I learnt is *everything* in our memory is *false*. Memory is a product of imagination, subject to our bias thinking.

Depending on the interpretation of our mind, life expenriences can be said painful or pleasureable. They can be turned around and viewed differently as new information or new thinking comes along.

The only thing that is really true to us is the Here and Now.

Greed in psychology is an excessive desire to acquire or possess more than what one needs or deserves, especially with respect to material wealth.[1]
