MY GF is trying to get funds from her IP to either purchase another IP or a PPoR. It is a lender that has their own "brokers" and won't deal with our broker directly (this is an old loan before we met) they also keep trying to push cross coll (yes we're running).
Due to the time it takes this lender to do anything we wanted the funds in her offset account so we can move quickly when needed. The lender wants to know the "purpose of funds" and wants a signed contract of sale. Claiming it's an NCCP regulation as the IP is been financed to 90% and LMI is involved and they need to assess that any additional funds we borrow are affordable.
On the phone he claimed to have 25 years experience as a MB, financial planner and investment adviser and was not aware of any negatives to crossing properties and it would save us money.
After my discussion with this Broker he sent an email to my GF with comments such as;
"As a mortgage broker, financial planner and investment adviser, and under my ASIC licence, I am bound to give my clients advice that is the most beneficial to them. From what I know of your financial situation, under this scenario, crossing the properties is the best solution for you. "
He also stated how he was concerned about my advice to avoid Xcolling.
Anyway as I see it the easiest options are;
Refinance with my broker, which will require more LMI as the previous loan had some paid already. This will avoid dealing with the lender ever again
Borrow the money for shares and dump it into a top200 fund/blue chips until we want the funds, obviously this exposes the money to market risk (good or bad), entry and exit costs.
Any other ideas are appreciated, I'll be speaking to my broker later.
Due to the time it takes this lender to do anything we wanted the funds in her offset account so we can move quickly when needed. The lender wants to know the "purpose of funds" and wants a signed contract of sale. Claiming it's an NCCP regulation as the IP is been financed to 90% and LMI is involved and they need to assess that any additional funds we borrow are affordable.
On the phone he claimed to have 25 years experience as a MB, financial planner and investment adviser and was not aware of any negatives to crossing properties and it would save us money.
After my discussion with this Broker he sent an email to my GF with comments such as;
"As a mortgage broker, financial planner and investment adviser, and under my ASIC licence, I am bound to give my clients advice that is the most beneficial to them. From what I know of your financial situation, under this scenario, crossing the properties is the best solution for you. "
He also stated how he was concerned about my advice to avoid Xcolling.
Anyway as I see it the easiest options are;
Refinance with my broker, which will require more LMI as the previous loan had some paid already. This will avoid dealing with the lender ever again
Borrow the money for shares and dump it into a top200 fund/blue chips until we want the funds, obviously this exposes the money to market risk (good or bad), entry and exit costs.
Any other ideas are appreciated, I'll be speaking to my broker later.