Getting Started



From: Mike .

Who is the investment head in the relationship
From: Robert
Date: 17 Feb 2001
Time: 17:56:12

G'day all.

I've just been bantering around some thoughts in my own head for a few days. I have come up with a few questions I'd like others to think on. By no means do I mean to pry into each relationship, but more to the point of wondering if people get involved evenly in there endeavors of the investment world.

Who is the driving force behind your investments?

Do you do all the work involved in investments or does your partner do it?

Would you like your partner to be more involved in your investments?

Does your partner know as much as you do about your investments?

How would you get your partner more involved in investments?

These questions are just for a different train of thought.

Cheers, Robert
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Reply: 1
From: Mike .

Re: Who is the investment head in the relationship
From: Anna
Date: 17 Feb 2001
Time: 20:11:40

From my experience (me and friends') I think that there is usually one driving force in a partnership but the crucial thing is that you share the same goals and can talk through strategies, risks, plans etc. At the end of the day the failures and successes need to be shared.

Things really come undone when one partner either does not understand or is actively working against a financial plan. (spend! spend! Spend!) This is more crucial than the level of individual involvement. People contribute to relationships in different ways and it would be a nightmare if scores were kept for each area of the relationship.

"I save more than you" "Well, I do the dishes more" "I send the Christmas cards" "I talk to your mother when she calls"

Am I sharing too much??
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Gee Cee

Reply: 1.1
From: Mike .

Re: Who is the investment head in the relationship
From: Gee Cee
Date: 17 Feb 2001
Time: 21:18:44

Hi Ya Robert

I agree with Anna that there is usually one main driving force behind getting into property investments.

In my situation I am the one that puts in most of the time and sets up the deals & strategies.

My wife has her own career, whilst this is virtually mine.

However she is involved in what goes on and understands most of what is happening.

She knows how the system works, but takes more of a back seat driver approach.

If I dropped dead tomorrow she could go through the filing cabinets and soon have the system up and running again.

She has not always been like this and at first could not really be bothered with it all.

Once she saw a few profits coming in and a healthy tax return her thoughts soon changed.

Her real love is choosing all of the colours, bricks, carpets etc for new projects. My strengths relates to more the $ flow side and lining up extra contractors, financing, tax side, etc.

How to get your partner more involved? 1) Show them the money. But remember not all people are motivated. Some just see it as to much trouble or too far away.

2) People need to learn a little as they go. You cannot expect a partner that is not motivated to understand or be interested in complicated financial setups and big deals when they have enough trouble balancing their pay docket.

3) Some people see it as just a lot of trouble. A noose around their neck that stops them having fun now.

Just ask most people how much TV they watch a week. Majority of people watch all of the shows but have no spare time to plan their lives or finances. TV is easy. Investing and the hassles that go with it at many times are not easy or fun.

Guess it comes back to everyones motivation and what BALANCE they require to keep them comfortable.

Cheers, Gee Cee
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Reply: 1.1.1
From: Mike .

Re: Who is the investment head in the relationship
From: Crystal
Date: 17 Feb 2001
Time: 21:57:12

Hey Robert,

I'm sure the forum would be interested to hear your own answers to the questions you ask.

Regards, Crystal
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From: Mike .

Re: Who is the investment head in the relationship
From: Robert
Date: 19 Feb 2001
Time: 09:26:37

Hi Crystal

Here are my answers to some of the questions I put forward...

Between my partner and I we have a very good relationship. I go sky rocketing off on some idea, and get brought back to earth with a thud from the reality of my partners wisdom. She comes up with suggestions from way out in left field to either improve the thought or show it can't work this way because of "x"... And on the other hand, I will have a thought and she will chop and change it into a very workable situation.

Due to time constraints I am the one that gets to "play" more then my partner. The fun of working shift work and a 6 days on 4 days off shift pattern. But it just shows I'm the pack horse and she is driving...

My partner is already involved in our investments, though "the rat race" is holding her back from being able to get more involved. But if she wasn't involved as much but wanted to be and didn't know how, I'd send her to a seminar or 2 to learn. Actually something like "The Wifes" Womens Empowerment weekend would be really good.

We have been told, "I can make us wealthy but my partner will make us F*#?en wealthy" (Sorry about the language, but it is a direct quote).

And this type of life style suits us fine at the moment. Though it will be different in 12 months time.

Anyway, they are my answers to the questions I posted.

Cheers, Robert
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