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From: Mike .

Doing things differently
From: Caroline
Date: 19 Oct 2000
Time: 04:07:00

Reading this previous thread I thought I might share a personal experience.

My husband and I purchased our dream home pushing all the limits on our income. We built only the first stage and decided after living in it for 3 months that we could not live like this - for the next 25 years until we'd paid it off.

We decided we either needed to sell - probably at a loss or - earn some more income. Friends of ours had just moved to Japan to work - and the exchange rate etc was very good at the time. We decided that we too would look overseas for more opportunities. We both worked in Japan for 2 years and rented out our home. We then moved back to Aussie to another job and are now in the US. We have caught the travel bug. We paid our house off in 4 years and am now about to purchase our 2nd IP.

I guess my point is that sometimes you can let emotions make decisions about what you think you need at the time - which can be unrealistic. I believe this was a mistake for us - but this mistake has certainly changed our lives - so don't be afraid of doing things differently - because even if they do turn out to be not the best decision- you can learn so many other things that had you not taken that path you would not have even experienced.

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Peter L

Reply: 1
From: Mike .

Re: Doing things differently
Date: 19 Oct 2000
Time: 06:37:28

Caroline that is my whole point. People build their dream home NOW and live in it NOW. They end up paying for it for the rest of their lives.

Its really great to see that you thought outside of the square. You took the right path and did something totally opposite to the average person and look what happened. You paid it off and looking for IP no 2. Well done.

We are doing things opposite also and believe if you do things differently to the average person then you will definitely get ahead. As long as you have done your research, servicability, rent , ratios, capital growth potential etc, and it all works well on paper, like in our case, then by all means do it differently.
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