How to kill lots of Silverfish

I went to my relative's house, and they showed me their shower which was filled with small black tiny insects which they thought to be tiny ants that could jump. I took a close look with a torchlight, and they were like over 100 tiny silverfish, some as small as the size of a grain of sand.

Then, when I went to the kitchen, I noticed small dots on the floor spread everywehre. They thought it was dust, but heck no! Silverfish all over the house!!!!!

It is actaully a 5 year old house. Quite new.
BUt what can they do about the silverfish? Any cure>?
When I used to be a pest bloke (20 yrs ago) the treatment was fairly striaght forward.

Powder or bomb the ceiling void (powder is residul lbut if you dont have the gear to blow it around - some standard aerosol bombs will work)

Place all linen in a black plastic bag and hang on the cloths line on a hot sunny day (Kills the eggs & any any the linen)

may need to repeat in 10 days.