How to stop a noisy downpipe?

Couldn't figure out where to put this question, so here's as good as any.

We recently had new spouting and downpipes put on PPOR and the downpipe off the bullnose runs down to an right-angled elbow which is open, and directs the runoff to an open channel across the driveway.

Anyway, the water drops from the spouting to the elbow and hammers down on it - just like a dripping tap, only louder!

I've tried stuffing it with a rag, which deadens the sound (doesn't eliminate it) but the rag actually gets pushed out by the water. Anyone have any ideas or a magic product that will quieten this thing down?


Just rip that baby right off the house altogether , ok ya might get some flooding but no plans perfect.

We had a similar problem in the downpipe outside our bedroom window. The dripping sound after rain was a real nuisance.

I solved the problem by using some of those plastic mesh bags that oranges come in. I found a couple of those bags scrunched up and shoved up the downpipe masked the sound of the drops of water hitting the metal angle at the bottom, but still allowed water to flow through. They may dislodge in heavy rain but are easily put back.

I just pull them out every so often and rinse out the leaves etc that collect there. Sometimes I even go as far as replacing them with new bags.

Give it a try.